Friday, July 29, 2011

3D stereoscopic gaming is still the meh

Some recent comments from EA CEO John Riccitiello about 3D stereoscopic gaming reflect on what I, and many other people have thought about the subject since CES 2010:

"Frankly, we have not seen a big uptake for 3D gaming. We haven't seen a big uptake for 3D televisions in the home, at least not yet. And we're not here trying to drive the market, we're here to react to what consumers are looking for."
 And I still agree with this sentiment.  3D stereoscopic gaming is terrible. Watching 3D movies at home on a TV is terrible. Watching 3D movies in the theater is terrible.  Yeah, Avatar was a good implementation of 3D...I guess.  And I have an Avatar BluRay that is not 3D. I like it so much better than the 3D version I saw in a store once.  When new movies come out in 3D, I immediately decide not to see it, even if I really like the trailer/concept of the film, unless I can find it in 2D.

So to everyone at the 2010 3D gaming summit who was talking about how gamers would flock to 3D gaming and that marketing would convince them to like wearing glasses, I am one core gamer who is not buying into it. And I don't think I'm the only one...

And by the way, it's not just the glasses. It's the 3D. I'd rather watch TV in 2D, play my games in 2D, see my films in 2D.


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