This past weekend I went up to Lake Arrowhead for the weekend with a bunch of friends just to get away and hang out...see some shooting stars at night, cook some good food...and yes play a lot of video games. Between rounds of Rock Band on one TV, episodes of South Park on another TV, the pool table and the incredibly awesome fooz table, I kept hearing my buddies make laughing references "double rainbow all the way" or something. Or it was "TRIPLE rainbow!" I had no idea what they were talking about until they showed me this video on youtube which they had all discovered well over a month before:
At the time, I laughed so hard I almost had a panic attack. Maybe it was the nice keg of Newcastle Ale we had tapped into, but damn that was hilarious.
This doesn't really have anything to do with video games, but over the course of the weekend while playing Rock Band, fooz, poker or just cooking and hanging out sure enough someone make a joking reference to the video.
I haven't found any references in a game yet, but somehow I'm expecting it to happen over the course of the next year.
see the end of some of the most recent episodes of adventure time on cartoon network (shameless adventure time plug)