Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Apple live event today

So I am not at the Apple event going on (right now as I type this) but I'm keeping an eye on it on a couple different live blogs. I'm going to bulletize a list of we go...

  1. 300 worldwide Apple stores in 10 countries...coming soon to Spain. Bueno!
  2. 120 million iOS devices shipped. That's iPhone + iPad + iPod Touch devices.
  3. Activating 230,000 iOS devices per day. Would love to see how that number fluctuates on a daily basis. Does not include upgrades. Interesting.
  4. iOS4.1 comes out today. Fabulous. Mostly bug fixes it seems. Good. Available next week and it will be $10. Just kidding it's free.
  5. Game Center. Remember that? I blogged about it months ago and have been waiting for its release ever since. GC supposed to allow multiplayer, have leaderboards and achievements like Xbox Live. It will also do friends lists just like in XBL or PSN, but if you are lame and have no friends it will do matchmaking for MP games. Pretty cool. No more news on GC for now other than it supposedly ships with iOS4.1. Very interesting.
  6. They announced iOS 4.2 (um...before 4.1 comes out? Okay....) 4.2 is iPad focused to allow multitasking, folders and Gamer Center to run on it. And wireless printing. ZOMG! 4.2 available in Nov. Boo!
  7. AirPlay. Allows you to stream audio and video to other devices. Sounds like my CrappleTV that is actually no longer crappy since it finally works...and works pretty well at that.
  8. And the big talking point for today seems to be the iPod. 275 million iPods sold to date according to jobs. I'm guessing the average iPod owner has owned more than 1 iPod in their life...maybe 1.2 or 1.5 iPods on average? In other words, less than 275 million people have owned or currently own an iPod. that 200million ppl? 250million? 150million? Any way you slice it that is a lot of people.
  9. New iPod shuffle coming .... at $49. Sounds nice.
  10. New iPod nano will be as small as the shuffle (roughly speaking) but will feature a multitouch interface like an iPhone. Sweet. And 24 hour battery life. Disclosed some other stuff on the nano but who cares.
  11. iPod Touch. It's now the best selling iPod it seems and he's talking a lot about games.

So now let's break off and talk about iOS gaming and iPod Touch and stuff...

  1. More iPod Touches (i'm going to call them "iTouch" to save typing get the idea. Apple, please don't sue me I own over a dozen Apple products) like how more iTouches have been sold than Nintendo's DS and Sony's PSP have sold combined.
  2. 1.5 billion games and entertainment apps have been downloaded onto iTouches.
  3. New iTouches will have same improvements the iPhone 4 has...retina display, A4 CPU, iOS4.1 with Game Center (that I assume ships next week for iPhones and iTouches), front facing camera and Face Time.
  4. Available next week. 8gb model $229
And there was some other stuff about Ping, dubbed Facebook and Twitter meets iTunes.

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